African Adventure

Time to double check that you have your primary things: passport, copies of passport, headlamps, etc. And wish our family and friends farewell.

But most importantly, it is time to take a deep breath and relax, and get ready to experience a trip of a lifetime. Something will undoubtedly not go as planned, but we are ready as a group for this trip. We will learn so much during the next two weeks that will shape all of our future understandings of the world and our place in it.

-This is a note from my mentor and one of favorite professors, as we prepare to adventure camp in East Africa.

I sit here drinking my morning coffee knowing that 21 hours from now – yes, 21 hours of flying #emojiwiththebigeyes – I will land in Tanzania and embark on an experience of a lifetime with 12 of my peers and 2 of my professors. This trip has been over a year in the works, it is hard to believe it is finally here. I have spent the past months learning about the culture, ecosystems , and animals I will experience. But none of this will compare to what I will learn from camping under the stars of the Serengeti or hanging out with the flamingos on Lake Manyara. Experiential learning is invaluable. I am so grateful. I am approaching these next 12 days with an open heart and mind, and a lose sense of how things should be – as things will undoubtedly not go as planned. 

So what am I actually doing?

I have enrolled in a multidisciplinary course: Ecology, Evolution, and Culture of East Africa. The next 12 days will be spent in Africa on safari, adventuring, exploring, soaking up, and breathing in all that I can about Tanzania and experiential learning about one of the most ecologically diverse places on the planet. Each night we will be camping and in the morning we will move to a different site. We will have 4 locals with us to guide and direct us. I will be journalling and documenting my experiences and blogging about each day sequentially when I return.

What am I most excited for?

I am looking forward to many aspects of this adventure. The amazing fauna, the untouched nature, learning first hand, interacting with locals, and becoming closer with my peers. One thing I am most looking forward to is de-technostressing. What? Technostress is the stress associated with constantly being connected to technology. Getting off of the grid and purging technology for a few days is exactly what I need.

Asante Sana,